We have compiled a list of great websites as you continue your quest to find your next favorite book!
NoveList Plus
Novelist Plus is the perfect resource for patrons of all ages to search for their next read. Use it to read summaries, find similar books, and more!
Fantastic Fiction
Contains bibliographies of over 30,000 fiction authors. The books by an author are listed in series order or by publication date if the books are stand-alones.
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The world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love.
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What Should I Read Next
Just enter a book you like and the site will analyze their huge database of real readers’ favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.
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Reading Group Guides
The online community for reading groups. Over 4000 reading guides available.
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Children’s Choices Reading Lists
A reading list with a twist! Children themselves evaluate the books and write reviews of their favorites. Since 1974, Children’s Choices have been a trusted source of book recommendations used by teachers, librarians, parents—and children themselves.
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Parents.com Best Children’s Books
Ready to start your kid on a lifelong love of reading? Here you’ll find the best books for kids of all ages–from our favorite board books for babies to tales toddlers will love. Plus, expert advice on raising readers.
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Ever craved a good book and just not been inspired by anything you see? Or felt annoyed that you bought a book that was merely so-so? Or closed a book and JUST wanted to talk about it? Or wished you had a place to discover new books?
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